Many & Varied Events (2015)
The Other Way Works is collaborating with Nikki Pugh under the banner of Many & Varied to produce a programme of events designed to bring together interdisciplinary communities of makers, artists, researchers, technologists and curators from across the West Midlands and beyond.
Many & Varied’s long-term objective is to catalyse cultural change within the creative ecology of the West Midlands: To inspire the development of new working environments that invite serendipity, stimulate creativity, and link up artists with potential collaborators and support us as we develop the early stages of our projects.
Our programme of events is designed to identify, champion and develop the community of practitioners in the West Midlands.
Our 2015 programme kicked off with Bees in a Tin, a day crammed full of performances, presentations and workshops on subjects as wide-ranging as: microbiology; guided tours; research through design; impersonation of plain clothes police officers; sculptural musical controllers; …and competitive custard punching.
The programme continues with a series of monthly Salons on Friday afternoons from July to December 2015.