Open Space (2008)

Open Space is a professional development opportunity for live artists, funded by DIY 5.

A weekend escape to the Clent Hills for artists working in live art from the West Midlands conurbation. A chance to play in the great outdoors, and to explore how our city-based practices fare when set free in an “open space” without walls.

Led by Katie Day, Artistic Director of The Other Way Works
Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 August 2008
The Clent Hills, just outside Birmingham, West Midlands

DIY 5 is a Live Art Development Agency initiative developed in collaboration with Arnolfini and Theatre Bristol; Artsadmin; Colchester Arts Centre; Fierce Earth, North East; New Work Network and China Plate; and Nuffield Theatre and LANWest. Open Space is delivered with support from the National Trust at the Clent Hills

  • A weekend escape to the Clent Hills. Part of DIY 5:2008. Professional development projects BY artists FOR artists.

Open Space Gallery

July 20, 2013 by

Check out the gallery on Flickr.

Application Guidelines


There are up to 12 places available for artists, and priority will be given to those from the West Midlands. Applications are invited from practising artists, recent graduates and students (graduate and undergraduate) in the fields of live art, performance art and experimental theatre. To apply please email your cv to Katie Day at with your answers to the following questions:

– What is an ‘open space’?
– When did you feel most restricted in a creative process? Why?
– In your life, when have you felt the most free?

Following selection, participants will be provided with further details about times, transport details etc.

The deadline for applications was Monday 21 July 2008

Open Space Workshop Content


Open Space takes artists working in live art out of their usual metropolitan habitat, and out into the open space of the countryside. Removing the walls that contain much site-specific work (made inside buildings), in order to see if that has the power to remove the mental walls we build up around our own practise.

The weekend will be a challenge to the participants’ usual ways of working. Artists will be confronted with an endless choice of outdoor locations – in a wood, out in the open on top of the hill, in a bird-watching hide, beside a lake, on the path, or in the undergrowth.

They will also be confronted with different and new approaches to creating work, introduced by Katie Day and another participating artist, and the given opportunities to practically experiment with them.