
The Other Way Works creates playful theatre that immerses our audiences in the story.

The intimate scenarios we create allow our audiences to explore places and perspectives anew, provoking them to change the way they see the world.

We are part of a new wave of theatre makers re-inventing the way people engage with culture, using real world spaces and emerging technologies.

The Company is made up of a group of talented artists brought together under the artistic direction of Katie Day.

“The Other Way Works is a dynamic young company that is successfully exploring the possibilities of what theatre can and might be”

Lyn Gardner, The Guardian

“The Other Way Works is one of the leading UK companies exploring the frontiers of interactivity in theatre. The company has a thoughtful, engaging sensibility and is making a unique contribution to the exploration of contemporary theatre.”

John McGrath, Artistic Director, Manchester International Festival



The Other Way Works places Climate Change and Climate Justice at the heart of our work. We understand the impact of our work on the planet and will always seek ways to use our voice to raise awareness of the climate crisis.

View our Environmental Policy here – Environmental Policy.

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The Other Way Works is a UK Registered Charity (1166679). You can donate to support our work via Just Giving.
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Artistic Director

Katie Day is Artistic Director of The Other Way Works. She develops original concepts for new projects and productions, and leads multidisciplinary teams in the practical realisation of these. Her particular area of interest is the emerging frontier where theatre meets new technologies. She is always on a quest to provide magical and bespoke experiences for ever more sophisticated audiences.

She is a 2021/22 BOM Fellow, a resident of the Pervasive Media Studio, and was the winner of the Hello Culture Award in 2014.

Working with you

The Other Way Works is open to commissioning approaches for new work with specific remits for your context.
Katie undertakes consultancy work advising artists, teams and organisations on the area of technology-enabled theatre and storytelling.

Katie and other members of our team are experienced speakers and facilitators and are available for speaking or workshop delivery focused around our practice, and the broader areas of immersive, interactive, intermedial, game-based, site-specific, and technology-enabled theatre.

We have experience of visiting lecturing on degree and masters level courses, and speaking at national and international professional culture sector conferences.

Birmingham, UK

32 Melton Road
B14 7DA

Company Limited by Guarantee No: 06594555
Registered in England and Wales
Registered Charity No: 1166679