October 10, 2019 by katie
Our final tour dates of 2019 are nearly upon us. We’ll be appearing as part of Frequency Festival in Lincoln this October. Booking is now open.
Friday 25 – Saturday 26 October 2019
Frequency Festival
Lincoln Drill Hall
Tickets £40 per car (up to 4 people)
Tickets Available – Book here
April 3, 2019 by katie
A two-day workshop for artists and makers interested in fusing theatre with collaborative gaming and new technologies.
Artists Katie Day and John Sear will share learning from the process of making A Moment of Madness, a new immersive and playful theatre experience which sees audiences thrust into the heart of a political spy thriller.
Open to artists and makers at any stage in their career – be it student, emerging or established, this practical workshop will provide hands-on opportunities to create your own mini experience.
Monday 13th & Tuesday 14th May 2019
10am – 4.30pm
(Birmingham Open Media)
1 Dudley Street
B5 4EG
£ 30
More information & booking via Eventbrite
Supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England, with BOM, Sir Barry Jackson Trust, John Feeney Charitable Trust & Unity Theatre Trust
January 10, 2019 by katie
Here’s a few photos of the project in development.
November 30, 2018 by katie
Touring in 2019
Birmingham 3-6 May 2019
World Premiere in association with Birmingham Repertory Theatre and Flatpack Festival.
SOLD OUT Flatpack Festival.
Friday 17 – Saturday 18 May
Watermans Arts Centre, Brentford
Tickets: £40 per car
Friday 2 – Sunday 4 August
Stockton International Riverside Festival, Stockton-on-Tees
Tickets to be released later in 2019
Friday 25 – Saturday 26 October
Frequency Festival
Drill Hall
Tickets £40 per car (up to 4 people)
Frequency Festival Tickets Available
July 6, 2018 by katie
We are very pleased to welcome Tricia Coleman to the team, as Producer of A Moment of Madness.
Tricia Coleman is an arts and event producer with a special interest in interactive performance, digital arts practice and new commissions. She is producer for Manchester International Festival (MIF) a biennial arts festival of new commissions; and previously for Abandon Normal Devices (AND), a programme of new approaches to art-making, new cinema and digital culture. Recent projects include: the international tour of virtual reality exhibition Björk Digital by Björk (MIF); Joshua Sofaer’s Workshops in People’s Homes, featuring performative workshops in domestic spaces (AND); and Missing, a game-based interactive theatre experience for young people (with youth charity 42nd Street).
February 26, 2018 by katie
The Other Way Works is seeking a Freelance Producer to join our team to deliver the development and 2019 tour of ‘A Moment of Madness’ – a brand new immersive theatre meets real-world-gaming experience from The Other Way Works in collaboration with game designer John Sear.
This is a key management role, working alongside the Artistic Director Katie Day to ensure that the project is delivered in a high-quality and timely manner.
For further information and application process, please download the full Job Pack PDF here.
The deadline for expressions of interest is Saturday 10th March at 5pm.
January 24, 2018 by katie
Date: Saturday 3rd February 2018, 2-3pm / 4-5pm
Location: BOM (Birmingham Open Media), 1 Dudley St, Birmingham B5 4EG
Free but advance booking essential via this link: https://goo.gl/forms/BTIB9RVMGYIalp7I3
As we continue to develop and refine ‘A Moment of Madness’ our immersive theatre meets urban gaming experience, we are looking for a group of willing volunteers to help us test some of our new material.
So if you’re happy to look beyond some very rough edges, and you’re excited about trying out a new interactive real-world game really early in its creative development, you’re exactly who we need right now!
This playtest will focus on getting to grips with the narrative, and we will be seeking playtesters’ input into what aspects of the story are making an impact, and where we need to work harder to make things clear.
Each playtest session will last 1 hour, and testers will work as a group. There will be an opportunity to provide feedback at the end with Katie Day, Artistic Director, The Other Way Works and John Sear, Technologist and Experimental Game Designer.
No experience is necessary to take part, only a willingness to engage. (16+)
Please sign up here to book your place – thank you!
Katie Day & John Sear
(If you have any further questions please email them to info@theotherwayworks.co.uk)
A Moment of Madness is supported by BOM and Arts Council England.
by katie
We’re very excited to announce that we’ve been awarded funding from Arts Council England to make A Moment of Madness a reality.
An immersive theatre meets urban gaming experience, A Moment of Madness explores the morality of surveillance and our expectations of the private lives of public figures.
The project pioneers exciting new ground in the areas of digital technologies and interactive performance, bringing these together with puzzle-based gaming in a way that we have never seen done before.
We’ll be developing the production with support from our partners BOM this year, with the premiere scheduled for Spring 2019. We know that’s quite a long time to wait, but we promise it will be worth it!
In the meantime watch out for opportunities to test some of the elements in development over the next few months.
November 30, 2017 by katie
The prototype phase of A Moment of Madness (2016-17) was funded by Arts Council England, and supported by Birmingham Open Media (BOM).
Creative Team
Director: Katie Day
Developer/Game Designer: John Sear
Writer: Tim Wright
Performers: Zain Ellahi (live), Jill Dowse, Tim Wright, Graeme Rose, Vimal Korpal, Greg Hobbs, Louise Latter (recorded)
October 17, 2017 by katie
I’ve uploaded the PDF of my Japan Research Journal and Report, so if you’d like to have a browse please do download it. Its quite long, but don’t worry, there are lots of photos.