August 14, 2014

Design fiction film

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The test user for the film, Hannah Nicklin, has kindly agreed to our use of her content in this context to allow us to illustrate the Protagonist concept.

The test user was selected because of her active use of many social media platforms, which would provide us with a good range of content to work with.

The user’s content was selected manually, using the Specification as a guideline for the selection process.

The animation effects were created by animator Hazel O’Brien, using paper folding and green screen filming. The content used is in a digital format. These effects could easily become templates.

The music was composed and produced in response to the film by Mark Day.

Some brief initial feedback from the test user after seeing her film for the first time

It was nicely esoteric
I couldn’t tell how it had decided to choose some stuff
It was about 65%­70% on the money with what was significant (i.e. it didn’t know I was broken up with on graduation night!)
It was really nice to see family
The ‘on this date’ stuff was nice but it made me feel like an asshole I was complaining about having holes in my shoes on the day the first black president of the USA was elected.
The design was lovely
I was engaged the whole way through
I didn’t feel like it represented me
I did feel like it represented me online
I wanted there to be more Instagram because I like that place most
I wondered what other people were saying back to me, it felt odd for me to exist in a vacuum using content from such social space
I wanted it to choose some music from stuff I like on Soundcloud

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