In the last 12 months there has been a burgeoning of services and tools exploring the challenge of drawing out a narrative from users’ recent and archived photo and video content. Many of these are single platform services, often developed by the platforms themselves.
Facebook LookBack Film /
A free automatically created 1 minute film, showing highlights from a user’s Facebook timeline. Uses chronology and number of likes to identify usable content. Only displays content uploaded by the user (not content that the user is tagged in). Latterly added a post-video manual editing function, which allowed users to swap photos in and out of the video within the existing structure.
Carousel by Dropbox
Free display tool for Dropbox users to apply to their content on Dropbox.
Google+ Stories, Movies, and Auto Awesome
Free tools for Google+ users to apply to a user’s content on Google+. Auto Awesome automatically creates daily video edits of photos and videos shot that day, with customisable options.
The Wilderness Downtown
HTML5 video experience by Arcade Fire. The user enters the location of their childhood home or school, and the programme uses Google Maps and Streetview to customise a music video with this location.
Museum of Me
HTML5 video experience by Intel that uses a Facebook App to create a virtual museum fly-through from your Facebook content.
Take this Lollipop
A ‘scare’ film in HTML5, highlighting the unexpected and unpleasant ways in which a Facebook user’s content may be viewed or used when they allow a Facebook App access to their account.
Animoto / Magisto /
Cloud services that makes photos and video clips into rich videos. Magisto also auto-video edits.